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Updated: Mar 19, 2021

Indian culture always makes it a priority to earn a "decent job" as soon as soon as one does his or her graduation. Hence one would prefer to take the very first opportunity that comes before them and seize the search there. But looking back, it is always a doubtful question that have you achieved your dream?

Is that question relevant?

Yes, it is a question that most of us will ask ourselves at some phase in our life. Sometimes this introspection happens fast and you could make a correction. But if this question arises in one's mind at a later phase of life, then well they can just regret over the irreversible decisions made. So what makes it relevant? Shouldn't I opt for a career choice that earns me huge? Yes, you should not let go such an opportunity. But at the same time are you able to derive happiness from what you are doing? If yes then that is your destination. You will succeed from there a lot!

How should one make a career choice?

It is always a mistake that we tend to look at the most paying jobs! Why don't we look into the reason that you are paid high? Doctors earn a lot, but they are supposed to work all the time as an emergency can happen any moment. Why does a ales guy gets paid in lakhs? It is because he might even need to do door to door sales and meet his targets. It is for these huge efforts and commitments that they get paid in big chunks. And in order to show that commitment you must have such a level of interest in that job or that job should entertain you!

So before taking a career choice even at your grade 10th or 11th, think once, do I wish to do all day work like a doctor or do I love to be a wildlife photographer? If second one is your choice, then well I would say you understood the essence of what I am speaking till here. Now if you have a doubt that what would a wildlife photographer earn? believe me, it is the same as a doctor, provided you are in the right path with all dedication and efforts.

Watched the movie M.S. Dhoni? What if he didn't got committed to cricket or else maybe he continued to be the ticket collector? Start finding your dream career now!

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